This page also applies to traders that are indoors as well.
Rule of thumb here is if you do something edible or drinkable, you need further paperwork.
Read on - if in any doubt, get in touch with your local authority (council), environmental health or NCASS.

We welcome applications from new traders doing food and drinks but please be aware, this is not a food and drink festival!

The reason we like to keep these to a minimum is to ensure each one has the opportunity to make some decent money. We appreciate the overheads and costs involved in running a food business along with fuel to get there) needs to work out as a viable option for their business.



At some venues, we need someone to run our tea room for us. You can either spend many hours baking everything fresh or sourcing nice cakes from a wholesaler. The tea room just needs to be normal / herbal / decaf tea, normal instant and decaf coffee and cakes, up to you if you want to do sandwiches as well or have filter coffee. There is a water boiler, kettle and sink with a serving counter supplied at Armley Mill. There are plenty of tables and chairs for customers to be seated. There is an amount of crockery there that can be used but recommend bringing your own along with funky or vintage style table cloths or covers. A couple of trestle tables are supplied, one laid out with clean cups and saucers for customers to pick up on their way to the counter, another table for them to deposit their dirty crockery. So you'll need a team of 4 or 5, one for clearing away, one for washing up, one to take orders, one to serve the cake, one to make cuppas.

It's an opportunity to make a lot of money, you set your own prices, give a bit of discount for the traders and then you pay me 10% of your takings at the end of the weekend. Any cakes left over at the end of the day, flog them to traders cheaply! 


We generally have one person (no more than two outdoor hot food traders at our bigger events) that offer something a bit different to the usual burgers or hot dogs - spicy sausages, hog roasts, smoked meats, amazing pizzas, jacket potatoes with more exciting options in addition to chilli, beans, cheese fillings etc. 

Smaller events we go with just one trader doing hot food.

There is sometimes one other trader indoors that does other themed cupcakes and larger special occasion cakes to order.

Each trader will be supplied with a laminated trader pass which must be worn at all times to receive discounted prices for food/drinks and also to access the building. 

We do discounted cuppas and cake from the tea room  for traders on production of the trader pass.

There are also photographers that regularly attend our events that take wonderful photos which are shared extensively so these also carry a special LSM Photographer pass to also receive discount. Food and drink traders are advised to work out in advance what sort of discount they are happy to give.

Please go to this link here to see all the basic trading information. Food and drink traders (both indoor and outdoor) please read the following.

At Bradford Industrial Museum paperwork has to be submitted in addition to the PSLG (Public Safety Liaison Group) and Environmental Health. I have to submit a list of traders names and confirm that I have seen proof of all documentation required. I am going to do this for all events now just to be on the safe side. Wakefield Council’s SAG is very similar to Bradford’s PSLG. It’s a multi-agency group whose aim is to provide advice to make my event as safe as possible and they have requested Risk Assessments from all traders which I am now getting from everyone for all events.

We check online that FSA certification is still current with all food vendors/traders through the Food Standards Agency website here.

All food stalls should be registered with their local authority and must have a food hygiene rating of 3 or above.

Outdoor food traders need to have their own full set up as there may not be access to power nor shelter. Hot food cannot be done indoors due to H&S. Outdoor traders cannot stay on site overnight at any venues.


Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 came into force in January 2006 and makes the training of food handlers compulsory. The Regulations say that all food handlers must be ‘supervised and instructed and /or trained in food hygiene matters commensurate with their work activities’.

In simple terms this means that everyone involved in a food business who handles food must receive some food safety training or instruction. The training needed will depend on the type of business, foods prepared or served and the type of work the person does. For example a person who prepares burgers will need more detailed training than someone who handles only fruit and vegetables.

Food handlers who prepare or serve high risk foods will need the Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene or equivalent. It is good practice for a business to have a training plan to identify the training needed for each member of staff. Food Hygiene Courses are run by local colleges of further education and private training providers. Food Hygiene courses can now be completed online through a number of providers.  

Food Safety Management System

The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 require all food business operators to have a written food safety management system based on HACCP principles [HACCP stands for ‘hazard analysis and critical control points’, and is simply a process you must use to try and make sure that any food you prepare is safe for your customers to eat. It helps you to protect your customers, can save wastage and is therefore good for business.] 

Food safety management is not new and much of it has in fact been a requirement since 1995. However you are now also required to provide some simple written evidence that your procedures ensure food safety have been thought through carefully and are being properly applied, and that the food prepared or sold by you is safe to eat.

In simple terms this means that you must look at the operation from start to finish, decide which parts of it might lead to the food which you serve or sell becoming unsafe to eat and take action to prevent this from happening.

Environmental Health Officers will expect to see a brief written explanation of your system when they carry out an inspection and any monitoring records (such as food temperature records) which demonstrate that system is being properly applied.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) have produced guidance called ‘Safer Food, Better Business’ (SFBB) which will guide you through how to comply and provide the necessary documentation. Alternatively you can adopt a traditional HACCP approach

You can download a Safer Food Better Business Pack from the FSA website at 

They also need to comply with the national outdoor catering guide. This link here takes you to the Outdoor Catering Checklist based on this national guidance and must be filled in by every food trader and indoor traders doing anything edible. Carry copies of all documentation with you on the day as this form will be used when inspecting the stalls, should Environmental Health Officers decide to attend the event. 

More helpful information for food traders can be found here (The Nationwide Caterers Association).


As Ice Cream is a fairly low risk food type, it's likely that the council haven't prioritised an inspection for the business as of yet. It might be worth asking the trader to call the local authority and say that they need an inspection in order to trade at a particular event. Mobile caterers should be inspected wherever they store their food - ideally they would be inspected at the site of storage and whilst set up at an event so if the ice cream is stored at home then they should be the site of inspection.


Traders selling bagged up sweets would be very low risk so whilst they should be inspected at some point, they won't be a priority for an EHO. Please feel free to drop a message on Facebook to NCASS or give them a call on 0121 603 2524.


Alcohol sellers must hold their own personal licence and in addition will need to apply to the relevant council for a Temporary Event Notice. Please wait for me to confirm if there is a second seller also doing drinks so that you can communicate to each other and sort the licence out between you and send me a copy when you have it in place.

PLEASE NOTE: If you make something and it contains alcohol, even just a little bit, check information here as you would probably need a Personal Licence. Also if you a make steampunk hamper of some sort with miniature bottles of alcohol in, you need a licence.

Proof of relevant documents/certificates must be supplied in advance.

As event organisers we insist on any trader doing something edible or drinkable to supply all of the following with their application to trade:

  • The business must be registered with their local Environmental Health department. 
  • FSA Food Hygiene Rating showing contact address, trading address, local authority with whom they are registered. 
  • Level 2 Food Safety in Catering (this is what was formerly Basic Food Hygiene) for all people working on your stall.
  • The business should ideally have previous experience of outdoor catering. 
  • A Risk Assessment (if you don't have one, basic templates can be found online, it's all mainly common sense!)
  • The Outdoor Catering Checklist (download and fill it in online)
  • PLI certificate.
  • There must be a Food Safety Management System in place for the business. Appropriate sections of this should be available at the event. It should specifically address the practices being undertaken at the event
  • Personal licence (for alcohol sales)

 For businesses which will be storing, handling, preparing, cooking and serving food that are high risk you can use the enclosed Outdoor Catering Checklist to obtain information that may help you assess if they can satisfy the requirements.  These are outlined as follows; 

businesses selling high risk food must have good wash-hand facilities.   These must include a basin or sink with a supply of hot and cold water. Ideally this should be a purpose built unit connected to a water supply and drainage facilities. Thermos flasks of hot water are not acceptable as they do not hold enough water. The supply for hand washing must be separate from that used for making beverages for sale. 

where the source of the hot water supply is an urn the enforcement officer must be satisfied there is a safe and quick method for transferring the boiling water to the wash-hand sink and a means of mixing it with cold water in a basin with a plug. Small compact self-contained hand wash units that run off a vehicle’s electrical system are available. Bowls that fold or clip away make it easy to use for the food business operator. These may be available to hire.

the checklist should be circulated to all food businesses attending an event 

not all aspects of the checklist will apply to every business

if food inspectors attend the event, it will be expected that all high risk food businesses

will comply with every aspect of this checklist

if businesses do not comply with the check list then they may not be allowed to trade and may be subject to further action

In general, where a business is selling products which are low risk, the main considerations for food safety purposes are that;

food is protected from contamination.
there is good stock rotation.
a wash hand basin, whilst preferable, is not essential, as long as the business provides alcohol wipes for cleaning and sanitising hands.

Other info from us:

· Provision of water supply & waste water disposal facilities/drainage points - there is a water supply available in the Provender and there are drains.

· Provision of trade waste disposal facilities including arrangements for disposal and collection of waste oil - there is trade waste disposal but usually the traders take their own waste away.

· Contingency for interruption of supply of water, power, etc - if there is a power cut then there wouldn’t be a secondary supply available. The fire alarms etc have backup batteries

Pitch fee for all drink and food traders is just 10% of your takings payable at the close of business. 

I now need to take a £20 (per day) non refundable deposit from outdoor food traders to secure your spot when you agree to trade with LSM at any of our events. This is due to food traders in the past letting me down with little or no notice to find someone else and this will be deducted from the 10% payable to me at the end of the weekend. Invoice will be sent on confirmation of your booking.

Most food traders usually do just one of the days as outdoor set ups need to be packed up at the end of each day as there is no facility to remain on the grounds overnight - all venues are locked and secured and their insurance will will not allow traders to sleep inside in a campervan nor to take responsibility for anything left out.

Indoor traders selling anything edible are charged at the normal pitch fee price.

If you sell anything edible or drinkable (even if you don't make it yourself such as bags of sweets or cans of pop) your home premises MUST be registered with your local authority as a food trader. This information has come direct from Environmental Health.

* Note regards food: 

On applying to the necessary authority, you will receive a letter saying something along the following lines:

"Application for the Registration of a Food Business Establishment

(Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs, Article 6(2))

The above regulations require all food businesses to register with their Local Authority. Anyone starting a new food business must register at least 28 days before opening. Registration is free. The registration form can be found on the reverse of this letter. Once your form is complete, please sign and return it to the address shown above. You are allowed to commence trading once your form has been submitted, it is not necessary for you to await an inspection. The Regulations also require that you notify us of any changes to your registration such as, change of ownership, change of business name or address, change to the nature of the business or closure of the business.

It is an offence to operate unregistered food premises and it is your responsibility to ensure that your business is registered. 

High risk food businesses (such as caterers, cafes, restaurants, takeaways etc.) will be inspected on a regular basis. Low risk businesses (such as corner shops) may be visited less frequently or be required to complete a self-assessment form instead of being visited. Once your business has received an inspection it will be given a Food Hygiene Rating. In the meantime, if you would like to request an ‘awaiting inspection’ window sticker, please contact the service using the above contact details."

I am prepared to accept this letter if you're waiting for your inspection.

For sellers such as ice cream vans, your food business will also need to be registered with the local authority where your vehicle or stall is normally stored.

Now you've read all that, here's the application form I need you to fill in and email back to me with all documents attached. Just edit anything such as event dates!

CLICK HERE FOR FORM. (Word format)

free templates